Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Potty Genius!

So we've been thinking that we would wait until Roman turns three next April to start potty training. Grace started at two and a half, and we had quite a few accidents in the process, so we thought waiting might be better for Roman. After a couple of friends mentioned potty training their boys, we decided to get out the training potty a few days ago, just for fun. We haven't really tried to get Roman to sit on it or anything, but he's done it on his own. It's like he thinks it's some fun game or something.

Tonight, a few minutes after I put him to bed he started calling, "Mama, poopy." I went in to check him and he wasn't poopy. I tried putting him back to bed but he got pretty upset when I did. So I asked him if he needed to go poopy in the potty. He said yes. So we got it out and he went! Not poopies, but he did go! I was pretty amazed! Now if we could just get him to do that everytime.


Anonymous said...

The boy is a genius. A poopie prodigy if you will.

Emily said...

Hooray! Hopefully it sticks! Sarah still has accidents. She wants to be potty trained, and now she's pretty good, but we still have to be careful.

I went to Miriam's today for a visit after TITP. On the way to her house I looked up the street to your house and thought, oh sad, Bonnie's not there; but then, Miriam said she was! I should have stopped by there too!

Charisse said...

Lots of fun posts. Good job for Roman to go potty. Are you so excited to be close to no more diapers? Yeah! Sorry we couldn't make it last Friday, I was sicker than a dog! Now we are all better. Yeah!

Kate said...

Ten points for Roman. Zero points for Charlotte.

jordan parke said...

Go Roman, wouldn't it be nice if they could just figure this out early on. The diapers just stink more the closer they get to 3. It was good to see you at the reunion. You always make me feel at ease about being a mom. So what do you think about a girls day or two in Vegas, shopping, lunch etc.? Rich said go for it.