Here is Grace's outfit for the third day of school. I managed to get her to wear plain shorts to tone down the shirt, but the socks were the real clincher.
She told me when she was going to bed tonight that she wants to wear these socks everyday. Yikes! I think they may just end up getting lost in the wash.
Completely unrelated to Grace's clothes, Roman said the cutest thing today. He's had a rash on his leg for the past few days. Tonight I tried putting lotion on it to see if that would do anything. My little guy, the same one who hardly talks said, "Thank you. Feels better."
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Day Three
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Breaking the Law
So today I got pulled over by a police officer. Of course I immediately started to panic. Had I been speeding? I was pretty sure that I hadn't been. I had noticed the police car and made a point of following all traffic laws while he was not-so-subtly following me. (Not that I don't usually obey the traffic laws. I actually haven't been pulled over once in the last 13 years. Until today that is.) So I nervously waited while the officer got out of the car to tell me what I had done wrong.
It turns out that our car registration had been suspended. Huh? Have you ever heard of a car registration being suspended? I hadn't. After a trip to the DMV, (made by my kind husband who came to my rescue,) and several calls to our insurance provider, we learned that our VIN number was wrong on our insurance policy. The funny thing is that it's been wrong the entire time we've had the policy, which has been years. Why did the DMV figure it out just now and suspend our registration? I wish I knew. I also wish I knew why the police officer just happened to check my license plate number when I was being a responsible, law-obeying citizen. Do I really look like a criminal?
So anyway, I'm still supposed to appear in traffic court to explain what happened, and supposedly, the DMV will waive $1100 of the $1132 fine. As for the other $32... my lawyer-in-training husband says there's no way we're paying. I guess we'll just wait and see.
Okay, so it isn't THAT bad.
Here is Grace's second day of school outfit. I guess it really isn't as bad as I made it out to be. She ended up not wearing the Vans, which did help a little too.
Today when I was taking Grace to school I asked her if she wanted me to walk with her to the playground like yesterday. She told me just to drop her off by the gate and she'd go by herself. Oh, my little girl has grown up. Sniff, sniff...
Monday, August 25, 2008
First Day of School!
Today was Grace's first day of kindergarten. I can't believe it. I got a little emotional when I left her at school. I really didn't think I would; it's not that I'm sad that she'll be going. But I just was hit hard by the evidence that my little girl is growing up. Grace, on the other hand, was thrilled. She turned five last November, and she would have liked to go to kindergarten last year, so today was an exciting day for her.
Grace is used to picking out her own outfits, and sometimes she comes up with very unique combinations. I was hoping that I would be able to just hand her something to wear for the first day of school and have her go along with it, but Grace had other ideas. She wanted to look extra special for her first day. Her special look was going to include a long-sleeve purple and black floral shirt with black lace, (it's supposed to be a nice cool 103 degrees today,) a neon, lime-green skirt, and lace-up Vans. Oh boy! Normally I wouldn't mind, but I wanted her to look cute for pictures and to make a good first impression. Luckily Steve's mom had given Grace a fully-coordinated outfit to wear to school, and luckily I was able to convince Grace that it was a good first day of school outfit. She's going to wear the purple and green tomorrow.The teacher let all of the kids pick out their own desks. Grace marched right up and grabbed a seat in the front row. Next to her is her "Target friend". We met her at Target while we were buying school supplies. She also knows a little boy from some of her rec center classes. We don't have any other kindergarten kids in our ward that go to the same school as Grace. Hopefully she'll be able to make some good friends.
Here's our sad little Roman, who was so insulted that he didn't get to stay at school with Grace. We told him that he's too little to go to Grace's school, but that he'll get to go to his own school soon. (He's going to take an art class and a tumbling class from the rec center.) After we left Grace at school we went to the bank and then later to playgroup. Both places Roman asked if we were at Roman's school. Poor little buddy! He just wants to be like his big sis.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Happy Homemaker Tip of the Day: How to clean a dozen eggs from your kitchen floor
For those of you who haven't had the delightful pleasure of cleaning a dozen crushed eggs from your kitchen floor, let me tell you, it's not as simple as it sounds. First, you have to deal with removing the oooey, gooey, slimey mess from the floor. I've found that it's easiest to just use my hands. As disgusting as it is, it works a lot better than smearing the eggs around with paper towels. Second, wipe away the remaining eggs with wet paper towels. You may have to do this several times. Third, mop. And mop again. And then mop with bleach. I've found that if you don't use a strong chemical, your kitchen will smell strangely like meringue later in the day.
And now, you're probably wondering, did Roman do it again? Yes, yes he did. He managed to sneak into the fridge, find the eggs that I bought just a couple of hours ago, and smash them all over the floor. Then he proceeded to smear his egg-covered hands all over a plate of sugar cookies that were stored in the fridge. He also managed to take a few bites from various cookies in the process. Didn't I learn my lesson the first time? I guess not.