Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Day Three

Here is Grace's outfit for the third day of school. I managed to get her to wear plain shorts to tone down the shirt, but the socks were the real clincher.
She told me when she was going to bed tonight that she wants to wear these socks everyday. Yikes! I think they may just end up getting lost in the wash.

Completely unrelated to Grace's clothes, Roman said the cutest thing today. He's had a rash on his leg for the past few days. Tonight I tried putting lotion on it to see if that would do anything. My little guy, the same one who hardly talks said, "Thank you. Feels better."


Emily said...

Her feet look like something from the Wizard of Oz!

Meridy said...

Cute outfits! That is a major fine for having the wrong VIN number!!! I think we had the wrong VIN number once and we didn't get fined. How is that exactly your fault anyway?? $1000+ is outrageous!

Jaime said...

You are such a super mom for letting her wear whatever she wants! I know it takes a lot to let go of things like that! I love that you took a close up of the socks!!

Kristi said...

Hey Girl,
I'm so happy to find you!!I love being able to keep up with your beautiful family. Your blog is the layout!. I've changed mine every few weeks and have yet to find the right "look". Anyway...Grace is beautiful.. she looks like she is having a great time. Can't wait to read more about it.
Can you post Jordan for me?? I would love to be invited to her blog. My e-mail is attached:


Kate said...

I think Grace's outfits prove that she is a creative genius. I bet her teacher loves to see what she's going to wear each day!

And Roman! He's a man of few words but how sweet!

Charisse said...

Grace looks so cute! A few months ago on the news they had a clip that said if parents let their children dress themselves when they want to, it helps with creativity and self esteem.

Emily said...

Hey, I'm too lazy to look up your e-mail, but could you send me your mom's phone number? I need to get in touch with her about some genealogy. Thanks! Em

Kristi said...

Thank you for contacting Jordan for me. I love being able to keep in touch this way.

HammondFam said...

Hi Deborah. Sorry to hear about your DMV mishap...that stinks! I asked Tyler if he could help you, but he said there isn't anything he can do to help since it is a DMV issue...sorry.

Love the school pics of Grace. Those socks are stylin' -- it's no wonder she wants to wear them everyday! :)